I finally figured out how to make fillable and saveable PDF forms without purchasing or using any server side products.
- Acrobat 9 PRO is required to MAKE the fillable/saveable form.
- To OPEN and SAVE ENTERED DATA, Acrobat READER 8 or higher is required...
In brief: Two "magical" properties need to be "enchanted" upon the PDF file. The PDF file needs to be made a) fillable b) saveable
You need to use a computer with Acrobat 9 Pro (and any version of Word).
- Create your form in MS Word (or you can create the document and add form fields directly in Acrobat Pro but Word seems to be easier).
- Save your document (e.g. "SampleForm.doc"). In Word "print it" to the Adobe PDF printer: Word => File => Print => Adobe PDF.
- The PDF printer will ask you to save the PDF file (e.g. "SampleForm.pdf).
- Open Acrobat Pro => Forms menu => Start Forms Wizard => "Start with a PDF document" => select your PDF file ("SampleForm.pdf").
- Add/edit/delete form fields that Acrobat didn't recognize correctly (if there any such fields).
- When done with touching up, use File => Save (not save as). Forms menu => Close Forms Editing. This officially marks the PDF file as a fillable.
- Acrobat Pro => File => Open and open the pdf file again.
- Advanced => Extend Features in Acrobat Reader => Save Now and give it a different name (e.g. "SampleForm-filable.pdf"). This officially marks the PDF form as saveable.
- Email your PDF form or post in on the web. Users with Acrobat Reader can fill in and use File => Save in Acrobat reader. They can then email the filled/saved PDF.
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