Apr 15, 2012

Make a fillable and saveable PDF form

I finally figured out how to make fillable and saveable PDF forms without purchasing or using any server side products.
  • Acrobat 9 PRO is required to MAKE the fillable/saveable form.
  • To OPEN and SAVE ENTERED DATA, Acrobat READER 8 or higher is required...
In brief: Two "magical" properties need to be "enchanted" upon the PDF file. The PDF file needs to be made a) fillable b) saveable
You need to use a computer with Acrobat 9 Pro (and any version of Word).
  1. Create your form in MS Word (or you can create the document and add form fields directly in Acrobat Pro but Word seems to be easier).
  2. Save your document (e.g. "SampleForm.doc"). In Word "print it" to the Adobe PDF printer: Word => File => Print => Adobe PDF.
  3. The PDF printer will ask you to save the PDF file (e.g. "SampleForm.pdf).
  4. Open Acrobat Pro => Forms menu => Start Forms Wizard => "Start with a PDF document" => select your PDF file ("SampleForm.pdf").
  5. Add/edit/delete form fields that Acrobat didn't recognize correctly (if there any such fields).
  6. When done with touching up, use File => Save (not save as). Forms menu => Close Forms Editing. This officially marks the PDF file as a fillable.
  7. Acrobat Pro => File => Open and open the pdf file again.
  8. Advanced => Extend Features in Acrobat Reader => Save Now and give it a different name (e.g. "SampleForm-filable.pdf"). This officially marks the PDF form as saveable.
  9. Email your PDF form or post in on the web. Users with Acrobat Reader can fill in and use File => Save in Acrobat reader. They can then email the filled/saved PDF.


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